Philippe Bourgois-- Incarceration and Mental Illness: Lessons from the Los Angeles County Jail

Philippe Bourgois
Thu February 16th 2023, 12:00 - 1:45pm
Event Sponsor
Program on Urban Studies
American Studies Program
Bill Lane Center for the American West
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Department of Anthropology
Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Public Policy, Program in
Sociology Department
Stanford Center for Global Ethnography
Stanford Criminal Justice Center
McClatchy Hall, Building 120
450 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Studio 40 (2 floor below ground level)

We invite you to attend the Program on Urban Studies' 16th Annual Model Scholar Lecture, Incarceration and Mental Illness from the Los Angeles County Jail, with Philippe Bourgois, Professor of Psychiatry/Social Medicine and Anthropology at UCLA and author of the award-winning Righteous Dopefiend (2009) and In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio (1995).  

Event Flyer

UCLA Professor Philippe Bourgois offers a presentation about incarceration and mental illness from the Los Angeles County Jail. Professor Bourgois is a proponent of a public anthropology that brings humanities and social science theory to bear on urgent contemporary social problems. This talk will include a video appearance of Craigen Armstrong. After serving 12 years on death row, Mr. Armstrong is confined at the Los Angeles County Jail awaiting a new trial. In jail,  he co-founded and is an administrator of the jail's Mental Health Assistance Program. He will talk about developing and managing a peer support program for inmates with serious mental illnesses.

Warning: If hearing from an individual facing criminal charges for violence could be upsetting, please take care of yourself. There is no obligation for any student to attend this event. Students needing mental health care can reach out for immediate assistance from CAPS or the Confidential Support Team.