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WWII and the West It Wrought: Opening Keynote with Timothy Egan

Wed May 3rd 2017, 7:00pm
Event Sponsor
Bill Lane Center for the American West
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200
370 Serra Mall
Stanford University
WWII and the West It Wrought: Opening Keynote with Timothy Egan

The year 2016 marked the 75th anniversary of America’s entry into World War II. Accordingly, Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West is sponsoring a series of programs that focus on World War II’s impact on the American West.

Programming will culminate on May 4-5, 2017 with a two-day scholarly conference on “World War II and the West it Wrought.”

Timothy Egan, the New York Times columnist and author, will open the conference with an evening keynote address titled, "When the Geography of Hope Became an Engine of War."