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Out West student blog

Center Interns Go ‘Out West’ for the Summer

Top row: Emily Santhanam, Seth Chambers, Rachel Lam, Justin Appleby; Middle row: Emilia Schrier, Jaclyn Marcatili, Kate Roberts, Courtney Pal; Bottom row: Julia Goolsby, Sarah Flamm, Iain Espey, Princess Umodu Not pictured: Caroline Spears


As summer begins, the Bill Lane Center will once again send a group of students off for a unique set of Western adventures. This year’s cohort includes 13 undergraduates and co-terms who will be spending their summers working in national parks, nature conservancies, hiking trails, rivers, or cities of the West. Stay tuned for blog posts from each of our interns as they chronicle their experiences throughout the summer.

2016 Interns in the West

Location Topic Intern
Henry's Fork Foundation Environmental Modeling Internship Justin Appleby
Heyday Books Sales and Marketing Internship Iain Espey
San Francisco Estuary Institute Resilient Landscapes Program Internship Kate Roberts
Yellowstone National Park Archaeology Internship Seth Chambers
Yellowstone National Park Curatorial Internship Emily Santhanam
Yosemite National Park Archives & Records Management Internship Emilia Schrier
Yosemite National Park Museum Internship Rachel Lam
National Conference of State Legislatures Legislative Studies Internship Princess Umodu
Trust for Public Land Government Affairs Internship Sarah Flamm
Trust for Public Land Climate-Smart Cities Internship Caroline Spears
Santa Lucia Conservancy Adaptive Management and Conservation Internship Julia Goolsby
Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trial Trail and Community Development Internship Courtney Pal
Golden Gate National Recreation Area Historic Landscape Documentation Intern Jaclyn Marcatili


This summer, read about our interns on the Out West student blog. During the summer quarter, Center's interns and Research Assistants will be sending in virtual postcards, snapshots and reports on their work at organizations thoughout the West.

Learn more about our summer internships


Recent Center News

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Sunrise view from the cemetery in Mountain Village, a community in Alaska’s Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Photo by Brandon Kapelow.

On NPR's Morning Edition, our 2023 Western Media Fellow Brandon Kapelow reports on a community-based suicide prevention program in the remote Alaskan city of Hooper Bay.
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