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Center News and Notes

  • & the West

Keeping Methane Under Wraps By putting a cover over manure pits, dairy farmers can capture methane and use it to generate electricity or make transportation fuel. U.S.

  • & the West

All-Out Battle Three large aerial tankers make their last passes of the day to apply water or fire retardant slurry over the Nuns Fire outside of Napa, California in October 2017.

  • & the West

The Dam that Started it All Erected between 1934 and 37 by the U.S.

  • & the West

Endless Attractions Beyond the otherworldly landscapes of the national parks at Arches and Canyonlands, the public lands around Moab in southeastern Utah contain spectacular vistas like those visible from

  • & the West

View from Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, including the sun, moon, Mount Shasta and Pilot Rock, captured May 3, 2015, from the Pacific Crest Trail.