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Center News and Notes

  • Center News
In our small lab at Stanford University, we’ve been prototyping new models of collaboration that bring journalists together with university researchers and scholars. We’re eager to share them because we hope that others will take them up, use them,…

Photographs from "Real Rural" by Lisa M. Hamilton

  • Center News
  • Journalism Fellows
On their morning commutes this winter, many BART riders will look up from their newspapers, iPads, Kindles, and smartphones to see the faces of farmers, rodeo riders, young smalltown boxers, and country poets staring back at them, thanks to an…

Image credit: Lena Herzog 

Writer Jeremy Miller has used a media fellowship at the Center this year to dig deeper into a historical mystery: how could a highly respected explorer, cartographer and artist – known for pioneering modern techniques for representing topography on…
  • Journalism Fellows
We are pleased to announce the launch of Reporting in Indigenous Communities— an exciting new online journalism education resource for journalists who cover indigenous communities in Canada, the United States, and around the world.