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Center News and Notes

  • Out West student blog
Tesfa Madhin visits the Army Corps of Engineers’ Bay Model Visitor Center in Sausalito, California, which hosts a working hydraulic model of the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta System.
  • Out West student blog
Abhishek Kumar reflects on his summer internship project on greenhouse gas exhaust emission standards for the light-duty vehicles in California.
  • Out West student blog
Vrinda Suresh shares highlights from her experience as a Bill Lane Center intern at the San Francisco Estuary Institute.
  • Out West student blog
What's going on in western bilateral electricity markets and why does it matter? Summer intern Jack Rehnborg reflects on his work at the Western Interstate Energy Board.
  • Out West student blog
Natural History Institute intern Carly describes falling in love with the Mogollon Highlands ecoregion and leveraging digital platforms to share its natural beauty.