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Hope Eccles

Advisory Council Vice Chair
Hope  Eccles

C. Hope Eccles is a lifelong westerner with deep family roots in the Intermountain West. The Eccles family has been integral in the development of this region since the 19th century, organizing many of the area's key companies in a wide range of businesses. Hope and her family have generations of love for and commitment to the West and the western way of life. Hope oversees her family’s luxury hotel, the Goldener Hirsch Inn, in Deer Valley, Utah. She has been actively involved in the community for many years and particularly in the area of education. Since 2008, Hope has served on the Advisory Council for Stanford University’s Bill Lane Center for the American West. She is currently a member of the University of Utah Hospital Board, and has previously served on the University of Utah's Board of Trustees. Hope was the Deputy for Higher Education for Utah Governor Jon Huntsman. She is a member of the Board of the Marriner S. Eccles Foundation. Hope is a graduate of Stanford University; she received a JD from the University of Utah and an MBA from Columbia University. She is married to Randal Quarles, Founder of The Cynosure Group and current Vice Chair for Supervision of the Federal Reserve System. They reside in Salt Lake City with their three children, Randy, Spencer and Hopie.