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Center News and Notes

  • & the West

Private citizens were first on the scene to document a massive die-off in Oakland’s Lake Merritt. Their role was enabled by the internet observation tool iNaturalist.

  • & the West
Experts believe the Chinese balloon downed over the Atlantic coast this month was snooping on U.S. missile defenses. Part of the landscape for a half-century, they are headed for a costly refresh in an era of rising global tensions.
  • & the West

Not a drop wasted? The Hyperion sewage treatment plant in Los Angeles is the world’s largest.

  • & the West
The long-term push to restore a portion of ancestral lands to Native American tribes has gained new energy, fueled in part by the efforts of non-profit conservation organizations and private land holders. But some of the most significant return of…
  • & the West
  • Topics of the West
Floating wind turbines can produce energy from miles offshore. Some Pacific Coast sites the federal government has chosen for wind-energy projects intersect with important fishing grounds. Can they coexist?